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Innesh Eam

Patent attorney

in kazakhstan

I protect your brands and ideas!

I am a Master of Laws and I specialize in

intellectual property

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more than 7 ye​ars

I successfully register intellectual property, help in ​protection and support transactions related to the ​use/transfer of industrial property rights for local and ​foreign companies

more than 4 y​ears

I provide corporate support for the largest factories ​producing alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages in ​Kazakhstan, in relation to dozens of trademarks and ​patents

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my clients

my services

registration of ​trademark​s

Assessing the chances of successful registration ​and full support of the process



Issuance of a copyright certificate to the ​author or with the transfer of rights to the ​company

Registration of ​agreemen​ts

Franchises, license agreements, intellectual p​roperty assignment agreements


Preparation of applications for inventions, ​industrial design and full support of the ​process

board of appeal

Filing an appeal, cancellation of someone else's​ trademark, defending your trademark, re​presenting​

Protection of IP rights

Monitoring of violators, filing of claims, pre-​trial settlement, expert opinion


well-known trademarks

I have obtained well-known trademark ​status for 3 trademarks of my corporate ​client

(Tassay, Holiday, drawing)

transaction support

One of the largest transactions with ​intellectual property I supported worth ​more than 1 billion tenge (over 2 and half ​million US dollars)

Complex registration

Registered the Al-farabi trademark, ​which had previously been refused to two ​other companies, and defended the ​trademark before the Board of Appeal ​when competitors tried to cancel it


Tel. W/a + 7 706 6961672


Instagram: @innesh_lawyer

Sole proprietor Patent attorney

Innesh Eam

I work online with clients from all over ​the world

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